• Creativity Builds Resilient Students

    My lab’s article in The Journal of Creativity, describing how the same narrative trainined we developed with US Special Operations boosts self-efficacy and resilience in elementary students.

  • Creative Strategy Field Guide

    A textbook for the Army on how to use the secrets of story science to grow your creative brain, winning the peace

  • Why AI Will Never Do Narrative

    My response in the academic journal Narrative to scholars who think that AI will someday write novels—or plot to take over the world. I talk about Deep Neural Networks, Judea Pearl’s do-calculus, why semiotics doesn’t work, and how the biological function of fiction isn’t to represent reality—it’s to change reality.

  • The New Science of Creativity

    My article in the New York Academy of Sciences, co-authored with Mike Benveniste, explaining why humans are more creative than AI—and outlining the new creativity training that we are piloting in Fortune 50s, Silicon Valley Startups, US Special Operations, and elementary schools.

  • Storythinking

    On how the operating system of your brain is story

  • Don't Brainstorm. Storythink.

    My article in Harvard Business Review on why divergent thinking doesn’t work—and how storythinking can help your team innovate.

  • The Future of AI

    My article in Wired, co-authored with Erik Larson, on why the future of AI is less optimization and more antifragility

  • UPenn Positive Psychology

    Exploring how stories can build mental resilience

  • Chicago Booth

    Innovating entrepreneurship with the world’s brainiest business school

  • Why AI Can't Create Stories

    A popular article summarizing my academic proof that computers will never write novels or poems or anything